Every year the Hilmar FFA officer team goes on their annual officer retreat. During this event, the officers were able to successfully determine the activities they will offer for members during the year. The retreat started off with a trip to Yosemite National Park. Hiking and enjoying nature was a great way for the team to bond and get to know each other a little better before they begin their year of service. After Yosemite it was off to Oakhurst where we stayed a couple days and worked hard on creating the calendar for the year and assigning officer duties. The main goal this year will be to encourage more members to participate in the opportunities FFA has to offer. It was a fun and successful trip and we can’t wait for 2024-2025 to begin!
Joe Olivera(President)
Danielle Peebles(Vice President)
Breanna Souza (2nd Vice President)
Reese Ahlem (Secretary)
Alden Kuchta (treasurer)
Scotlynn Sanchez (Reporter)
Linkin Landron (Sentinel)
Kherington Azevedo (Historian)
Joe Olivera(President)
Danielle Peebles(Vice President)
Breanna Souza (2nd Vice President)
Reese Ahlem (Secretary)
Alden Kuchta (treasurer)
Scotlynn Sanchez (Reporter)
Linkin Landron (Sentinel)
Kherington Azevedo (Historian)